WEGST, Gertraud
Title of contribution:
The Appreciators’s Method
Where & when:
Ibiza II.
Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
09:00 – 10:30
Workshop: The Appreciators’s Method
The basis for the Appreciators’ Method is our understanding of appreciation:
Appreciation starts with a clear view of “what is” and with the ability to recognize that we automatically focus on mistakes and weaknesses. It is willing to letting go of one’s own point of view and what it means to us personally. Appreciation is a benevolent attitude towards oneself and life. It is the consistent view of what is good and it includes the willingness to recognize and express a growth step in all aspects of life. Full appreciation, by focusing on a desired future, gives us the experience of this quality in present time, thereby making space for actual freedom of action.
The method follows this process.
About Gertraud Wegst:
Trained consultant, body therapist, AI practitioner, master coach, author & co-creator of the Appreciators’ Method. Led a dietetic center, 4 nursing homes with 600 tenants and was Practice Leader for Germany of an international management consulting firm. Also freelanced since 1982 as consultant and trainer, since 2005 as management coach. Co-founder of Die Wertschaetzer/ The Appreciators. 3 adult daughters and 2 grandchildren.