GOLIN, Cindy Lou


Title of contribution:

Shadow Play: Life as Practice


Where & when:


Workshop: Shadow Play: Life as Practice

Shadow practice is often referred to as shadow “work,” but what if it was “play?” This workshop offers some new and way fun ways to shine light on those hidden shadow aspects and play with the magic life is offering us. We can enjoy and delight in what we’ve kept in the dark.

We will practice playing with what’s present and leveraging it for maximum developmental value. Whether it’s a frustration, upset, aspiration, the weather, a dream, or a song stuck in your head… It’s all good grist for the shadow mill.
Many of us engage an Integral life practice, but let’s also look at what’s practicing us. What is wanting to emerge as us? What is the message the Universe wants us to receive?

At this workshop, you’ll have an opportunity engage a variety of playful modalities in service to insight and ‘a ha’s, along with an opportunity to translate your shadow awareness into outer action, to make a meaningful difference in your life.

About Dr. Cindy Lou Golin:

Dr. Cindy Lou Golin, life coach, leadership coach and workshop facilitator, has over 15 years experience in the field of personal growth. She utilizes a playful, light-hearted, yet powerful and practical approach. With an expertise in Shadow Play, she’s created a guide with over 100 shadow practices. She has doctorates in Clinical Psychology and Spiritual Science. She served as faculty at Integral-Institute, JFK University (ILP, Shadow) and is on faculty at Ten Directions (Integral Facilitator).

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