
Title of contribution:

Conscious Ageing – an ongoing project


The heroine’s journey; women’s courage and voices

Where & when:


Presentation: Conscious Ageing – an ongoing project

In 2014, I and Mark Davenport, my husband, were present at the second Integral European Conference with the topic “Ageing”. Mark went through the spiral regarding what ageing means at the different levels. Afterwards we started to invite people willing to talk on the topic for public weekly podcasts on Video. Guests with many different perspectives shared their ideas. There were contributions about Meditation, Yoga, Chinese medicine, arts and sports, nutrition and lifestyle, but also about preparation for death and accompanying the dying. We included also right side quadrant solutions, topics like life extension or courses for the ageing population in prison.
In the presentation I will show the range of guests we spoke to, the left quadrant experience we had with the topic and its presentation as such, our own learning and application of what we learned when Mark was forced to face cancer and death.
Some of my guests will be present in person or via video and share their ideas and experience briefly.

Workshop: Conscious Ageing – an ongoing project

The Heroine’s Journey: Women’s Courage and Integral Voices. Using integrally-informed processes, we will explore women’s sense of self and their world. The Heroine’s Journey is an archetype that will serve as a background for exploring the unique perspectives of women. The focus of this workshop will be developing We-Space connections and conversation to enhance the voice of women. How do women show-up with each other, with their larger community, and in the world at large? What risks must be taken to create the vibrant ownership and leadership of the feminine voice? AQAL provides a template for learning about female styles, influence, and energy, both individually and collectively. This workshop will help develop an understanding of interior, exterior, cultural and systemic influences in your own heroine’s journey, and how you relate to the larger feminine zeitgeist. A brief review of Spiral Dynamics and AQAL models will be followed by small and large group conversations in a world-cafe formal. Questions followed by discussion will promote a deeper connection with uniquely feminine archetypes and interpersonal styles. States of body, mind, soul and unity spirit will be manifested as participants relate to feminine values and state experiences. Marilyn Hamilton’s article (Where are the Women? Saging the Invisible into the Visible, 2011) provides rich themes on women’s Integral voices. It will be referenced to pose questions of our future and being change agents.In the presentation I will show the range of guests we spoke to, the left quadrant experience we had with the topic and its presentation as such, our own learning and application of what we learned when Mark was forced to face cancer and death.
Some of my guests will be present in person or via video and share their ideas and experience briefly.

About Heidi Hornlein:

University studies in Mathematics, Physics, MA in Linguistics. Parellel studies in singing. Employment in a professional choir RIAS Berlin. 5 years study of voice and music in Rome. Self-study and meeting Integral theory led to developing “Integral voice training”. License in Gestalt Counseling. NLP and different Coaching approaches. Live broadcasts and video recordings with Mark Davenport in The Wisdom Factory on Conscious Ageing and other topics. Online Salon of the “Integrales Forum”.

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