(United States)

Title of contribution:

How emotional and social awareness is developed

Where & when:

 Toscana I.

Saturday, May 30th, 16:45 – 18:00

Workshop: How emotional and social awareness is developed

Authentic relating is a we-space practice that has been field-tested by tens of thousands of practitioners around the world. When we as the leaders of this movement compare notes the evidence is clear: People can recover from social anxiety, become more confident, and learn how to better handle their emotions in tense situations. They can create the kinds of social lives that they dream of and heal their relationships with family and friends.

This is possible in just a few short months, and the most significant part is that this integral practice is completely translated for mainstream audiences. The 2-day foundational course, which is called the ART of Being Human has been offered to over 500 inmates in the prisions of Colorado through the non-profit ARI. We have also regularly seen participants ages 15-19yrs old and offer this work to people who have no background in mindfulness or integral theory.

Come learn these simple and practical practices for waking up, growing up, and showing up inside our relationships in a way that transforms us, the people we care about, and the world.

About Jason Digges:

Jason is a modern renaissance man: Equal parts artist, philosopher, teacher, and video producer. From 2003-2012 he worked for Ken Wilber and other clients to create thousands of hours of educational media on the topics of transpersonal psychology, spirituality, productivity, and personal growth. For the past 4 years he has been a trainer and facilitator for groups teaching authentic relating and circling and is obsessed with how humans can live and relate optimally.

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