
Title of contribution:

Ecstatic Dance – Gathering the Integral Tribe

Awakening: Morning Dance

Where & when:

Thursday, May 28th, 2020
19:30 – 22:00

Play Room
Friday, May 29th, 2020 
Sunday, May 31st, 2020
7:00 – 8:00

Ecstatic Dance – Gathering the Integral Tribe

We start with opening circle, continued by a guided movement meditation, that evolves into freeform dance. We close the event with a relaxing sound bath.

Awakening: Morning Dance

Wake up and dance! Start the new day with bringing fresh energy into your body and a vibrant flow into your mind and spirit. We gently wake up stiff limbs with breath, awareness and movement. You will find an open space with 30 minutes of inspirational music. Let your creativity energize you and your wild dance liberate you. Give yourself a fresh start through connecting with your body’s wisdom.
No previous experience of dance or movement required, just bring your open mind and heart.

About Zoltán Kerényi-Kiss

Founder, organizer, movement facilitator and dj at Ecstatic Dance Budapest, certified Integral Consultant. Passionate practicioner of Contact Improv, 5Rhythms, Ecstatic Dance, Movement Medicine, Biodanza, body-oriented therapy methods and meditation. My mission is to help people explore the liberation and expression of their creative energy through movement, sound and playfulness in order to re-connect their true essence and embrace life fully. My other aim is to catalyze community connections.

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