
Title of contribution:

Spiritual bypassing and childhood trauma 

Where & when:

Marbella II. (Shadow)
Saturday, May 30th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30

Presentation: Spiritual bypassing and childhood trauma 

What is the link between childhood abuse and spiritual bypassing? And why is it important? With the help of the integral framework I explored the possible links between these two. I will talk about Complex PTSD and the potential dangers of soul-searching on the market of new age spirituality while procrastinating or avoiding therapy work necessary for a fulfilled and well connected life. I created a table of symptoms and spiritual bypasses as a guideline for alternative helpers, hoping that CPTSD symptoms will be recognized and these clients will be redirected to specific therapists.

About Király Emese:

I am passionate about human beings being human.

My name is Emese Király. Trainer, integral life consultant and professional certified business- and life coach at ICF.

 I graduated as an economist specialised in marketing, followed by sociology, specialisation in organisation development, and Integral  Psychology at the Integral Academy.

 After 15 years in business my focus shifted towards my passion. Understand people’s motives and help them grow through coaching and integral therapy work.

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