LATHROP, Mira Megs 

(United States)

Title of contribution:

Emerging Trends of Developmental Levels of Money

Where & when:

Friday, May 29th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30

Presentation: Emerging Trends of Developmental Levels of Money

As supported by Integral Theory, “lines” occur within the developmental trajectory. Money is one such possible line. The question we ask is, what are the different developmental perspectives that are taken on money? For example, what is a second person-perspective on money, third person-perspective, a fourth person perspective? (And so on).

The research results give us hints to these questions.
1. How do people at different developmental levels see, experience and understand money?
2. How do people grow in their understanding of money from one stage to the next?
3. What might be some surprises we find when we look at the different perspectives on money?
4 What kind of perspectives do people take at the four latest developmental levels (5.0, Construct Aware, 5.5, Transpersonal, 6.0 Universal, 6.5 Illumined)?

We will share how we designed this research, collected information, and the statistical and qualitative results, revealing these perspectives that give us a birds-eye-view on how people understand money.

We would enjoy hearing reflections from the audience as they listen to these fascinating emerging views on our money systems across the world.

About Mira Megs Lathrop:

I started my career with 10 years as a Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley, as well as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)®, and then becoming a Certified Money Coach (CMC)®. I co-created a Money Coaching Program for Capital One, which has grown to be a national program serving 1,000’s of people across the country. I completed an M.A. from California Institute of Integral Studies in East-West Psychology, and became a Certified Yoga Instructor. Now, I am serving as a coach, facilitator, and host of conversations around the next, sacred Economy. As the Finanseer, I guide people from one stage of consciousness around their relationship with money to the next emergent, regenerative way of being that is in alignment with one’s soul, each other and the planet.

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