(Great Britain)
Title of contribution:
Next Generation Education: the Heart-Mind Way
Where & when:
Sunday, May 31st, 2020
11:30 – 13:30
Presentation: Next Generation Education: the Heart-Mind Way
Life is inviting us to step up into the creative era
Who is prepared? How are we preparing?
It is time for evolved education structures and experiences of learning and being. It is time to move beyond conventional processes, practices and systems that are limiting our “post-biological” expansion and conscious participation in life. It is time to shift the curriculum of learning to include the ways of the heart, the ways of being in connection with all on Earth; the ways of processing for sound choices.
It all starts by curating an experience that is nurturing, relational and creative (context) through inspiration, active engagement, and imagination (co-sensing) bridging thought with insight anchoring the core essential understanding (presencing) having “education for a thriving future” at the center (source) guiding towards consistent alignment. How? through an integrated creative process designed with ingredients from both modern and ancient practices. At IEC2020, the invitation is to give direct attention to the context (why) and the process (how). The outcome (what) will unfold.
You will hear the collective voice of int’l multi-stakeholders through the harvest of a generative virtual co-sensing pre-inquiry. I will also introduce an intuitive expressive art; expanding our perceptive field, diving into deeper insights; opening the heart space, sensing and envisioning together – allowing a “new story” to emerge.
Welcoming you to a Heart-Mind Experience!
About Makarem Halla:
I am Halla. I have the heart of an artist, the mind of a scientist and the soul of a mystical gypsy. I live an integrated embodied life, where being, doing and nurturing oneself are all happening in a coherent relationship amongst themselves. I am anchored in human values. I seed ideas. I illuminate insights and higher understanding. I reveal patterns and expand the space of possibility. You will find my story, my publications and a portfolio of my body of work at