(United Kingdom)
Title of contribution:
The emerging evolution of Western psychiatry
Where & when:
Saturday, 30th of May,2020,
Presentation: The emerging evolution of Western psychiatry
On 17th Jan 2020 an open space event took place in London, UK to discuss ideas to expand a new conceptual framework for mental health published by the British Psychological Society in 2018; the Power, Threat, Meaning Framework. The PTMF is a co-produced document with a global reach, which describes an alternative to the current diagnostic model of distress and ‘unusual experiences’ used in Western psychiatry. The event was planned specifically to focus on the question; “How does the Power Threat Meaning Framework relate to those who perceive their experience in transcendent/ transformative, spiritual or spiritual emergency terms, and how could it be used to support this?” This presentation will consider psychiatry, the framework and the outcomes from the enquiry event in relation to Integral Theory. What does an evolved mental health system look like, and as humanity evolves, will we even need psychiatry? How can we support such an archaic system to transition away from orange, and integrate Integral theory into the practical application of the PTMFramework?
About Katie Mottram:
Katie Mottram is an Author, Publisher, and Founder of the #Emerging Proud campaign aiming to re-frame mental distress as a possible catalyst for positive transformation.
She was one of the Founding Directors of the International Spiritual Emergence Network, and is passionate about providing platforms to empower people to have their voices heard, either through in-person connection, virtually, or in written form through her publishing social enterprise; #Emerging Proud Press.