(United States)

Title of contribution:

Harnessing the power of Organizational Shadow

Dementia seen from Multiple Perspectives

Emerging Trends of Developmental Levels of Money

States and Stages: Waking up Developmentally

Summary of recent resrch on the STAGES developmet

Where & when:

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30

Shamanic – Yurt.
Friday, May 29th, 2020
15:30 – 18:00

Friday, May 29th, 2020
6:00 – 7:00

Sunday, May 31st, 2020
7:00 – 8:00

Sunday, May 31st, 2020
15:30 – 18:00

Harnessing the power of Organizational Shadow

Developmentally informed organizations learn to harness the power of organizational shadow for organizational development. In this groundbreaking workshop, Terri O’fallon and Kim Barta provide a mix of lectures and experiential exercises that you can use to harness the power of shadow for your business. As well, business coaches and executives can utilize this knowledge on organizational shadow to help developmentally oriented organizations grow and develop.
The following topics will be included:
1. What is an organizational shadow?
2. Self-discovery of organizational shadow
3. Collective to individual shadow
4. Individual to collective shadow
5. Collective to collective shadow
6. Golden shadow
What are some practices you can use in your collective to discover it’s shadow?
Included is Terri O’Fallon’s STAGES model and Kim Barta’s popular shadow and power dynamics protocols and their joint application to organizational development.

Dementia seen from Multiple Perspectives

Bettina Wichers M.Sc. and Terri O’Fallon Ph.D. developed a research project that asks this question. By bringing together Terri’s research on STAGES and Bettina’s research and practical experience in diagnostics and dementia counseling, this inquiry comes to a more in-depth perspective of how people perceive and understand dementia.

They embedded 6 new sentence starters related to dementia In the general STAGES Sentence completion test. Then 20 people took the new “Dementia Inventory”. Their responses were scored and sent to a statistician to do a Crombach’s Alpha statistic to ensure reliability and internal consistency.

Next, they took all of the responses to the six dementia completions and looked at each developmental response to unfold a trajectory of different views towards Dementia.

We will present our findings at the IEC for the first time, giving a first insight into possible practical implications out of this research.

Emerging Trends of Developmental Levels of Money

As supported by Integral Theory, “lines” occur within the developmental trajectory. Money is one such possible line. The question we ask is, what are the different developmental perspectives that are taken on money? For example, what is a second person-perspective on money, third person-perspective, a fourth person perspective? (And so on).

The research results give us hints to these questions.
1. How do people at different developmental levels see, experience and understand money?
2. How do people grow in their understanding of money from one stage to the next?
3. What might be some surprises we find when we look at the different perspectives on money?
4 What kind of perspectives do people take at the four latest developmental levels (5.0, Construct Aware, 5.5, Transpersonal, 6.0 Universal, 6.5 Illumined)?

We will share how we designed this research, collected information, and the statistical and qualitative results, revealing these perspectives that give us a birds-eye-view on how people understand money.

We would enjoy hearing reflections from the audience as they listen to these fascinating emerging views on our money systems across the world.The following topics will be included:
1. What is an organizational shadow?
2. Self-discovery of organizational shadow
3. Collective to individual shadow
4. Individual to collective shadow
5. Collective to collective shadow
6. Golden shadow
What are some practices you can use in your collective to discover it’s shadow?
Included is Terri O’Fallon’s STAGES model and Kim Barta’s popular shadow and power dynamics protocols and their joint application to organizational development.

States and Stages: Waking up Developmentally

Most of the research on the relationship between states and stages has been done with research subjects that have significant state attainment, (causal and unified), and then they are tested developmentally to determine the relationship. The Wilber Combs Matrix is a map of one version of this.

However, a very different picture arises when we choose subjects at each developmental level and look to see what states must occur in order for them to develop to the next level. This supports a different hypothesis: states seem to be necessary but not sufficient for people to develop to the next level. Once the state is there, a developmental insight turns them into the next stage. This would make states necessary but not sufficient in and of themselves for development.

This theory and research inquire into the developmental trajectory of states and stages and how they require each other to reach the most mature levels of waking up.

Summary of recent resrch on the STAGES developmet

STAGES is a relatively new developmental model developed by Terri O’Fallon (in collaboration with Kim Barta), which extends the ego development model and assessment frameworks of Cook-Greuter and Loevinger. It adds additional stage levels and includes theory of four foundational drivers underpinning all stage transitions, which was inspired by Wilber’s quadrant model. In this presentation we will summarize a number of research studies of, and based upon, on the STAGES model that illustrate the models validity and usefulness. These studies include: a validation study showing that STAGES replicates Cook-Greuter’s model up through Construct Aware; a validation study showing inter-rater consistency over the entire range of levels; studies indicating the validity of using alternative sentence stems; Rasch analysis and longitudinal analysis showing the psychometric strength of the assessment; an analysis and critique of the Ogive cutoff model used in most sentence completions tests.

The research results give us hints to these questions.
1. How do people at different developmental levels see, experience and understand money?
2. How do people grow in their understanding of money from one stage to the next?
3. What might be some surprises we find when we look at the different perspectives on money?
4 What kind of perspectives do people take at the four latest developmental levels (5.0, Construct Aware, 5.5, Transpersonal, 6.0 Universal, 6.5 Illumined)?

We will share how we designed this research, collected information, and the statistical and qualitative results, revealing these perspectives that give us a birds-eye-view on how people understand money.

We would enjoy hearing reflections from the audience as they listen to these fascinating emerging views on our money systems across the world.The following topics will be included:
1. What is an organizational shadow?
2. Self-discovery of organizational shadow
3. Collective to individual shadow
4. Individual to collective shadow
5. Collective to collective shadow
6. Golden shadow
What are some practices you can use in your collective to discover it’s shadow?
Included is Terri O’Fallon’s STAGES model and Kim Barta’s popular shadow and power dynamics protocols and their joint application to organizational development.

About Terri O’Fallon:

Terri O’Fallon, Ph.D. is a partner in STAGES International, a researcher and has been teaching for 45 + years. She is a coach, a spiritual director and a designer of transformative containers and programs. Terri does ongoing research on the STAGES developmental model which supports four later levels of development.

Nothing, however, can substitute for life’s experience. We love our families and mourn the deep pains in our lives and in the world. It is a blessing to be simply human.

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