
Title of contribution:

A path of healing through body and dance

Where & when:

Saturday, May 30th, 15:30 – 16:45


Workshop: A path of healing through body and dance

“Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost.” Pina Bausch
As human beings we are movement: from the simple breathing to everyday gestures, our body express what we feel about life. Body memory recalls and presents closure or openness in the human relationship, leading to a more or less authenticity in the encounter with the other. The release of traumas and the deepening of self-love can also be experienced in full body dance, in its many dimensions: biological, psychological, rational, social and spiritual. When this happens, there is a new birth of  the being and daily living. This workshop invites to the healing, encounter and reconciliation through body and dance in the authentic movement.

About Paulo Duarte:

Paulo Duarte, – Jesuit, Priest, Dancer. Degrees in Philosophy and Theology. Master in Fundamental Theology, relating Body, Dance, and Theology.
Interests of study and research related to Humanity, in the contribution of the search for paths of reconciliation, based on issues such as corporality and art, through dance and spirituality. Currently collaborates with Casa da Torre – Center for Spirituality and Culture (Soutelo – Portugal) and the Academic Center of Braga (CAB).

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