
Title of contribution:

Can integral contribute to psychedelic psychother?

Where & when:

Play Room.
Saturday, May 30th, 2020
7:00 – 8:00 

Presentation: Can integral contribute to psychedelic psychother?

In the last 10 years the field of psychedelic psychotherapy has been growing exponentially and moving into the mainstream of western culture. Historically the field has been linked to transpersonal psychology and some of his main representatives, including Stanislav Grof, James Fadiman and William Richards. But very few has been exploring regarding the relationship between the integral psychology and the integral theory and the practice of the psychedelic psychotherapy. In this presentation I will explore the different ways in which the integral model and integral psychology can inform and contribute to psychedelic psychotherapy.

About Puente Iker:

Director of the Integrative Transpersonal Institute in Barcelona. Coordinator of the Transpersonal Integrative Psychology Training. Transpersonal Breathwork workshop facilitator He holds a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology. Trained in Gestalt Therapy, Integrative Bodywork Therapy, Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology with Stan Grof, and in Enneagram with Claudio Naranjo. Author of many articles and the book “Psychedelic psychotherapy and research: past, present and future”.

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