Title of contribution:
Next-Stage Organizations: A Transdisciplinary Case
Where & when:
Friday, May 29th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30
Presentation: Next-Stage Organizations: A Transdisciplinary Case
The essence of this transdisciplinary case study was to provide a methodological foundation and method for researching Next-Stage Organizations, as well as to explore the correlation between adult and organizational development and the efficacy of using O’Fallon’s STAGES to assess an organization. Three Founder/CEO’s from Laloux’s Reinventing Organizations completed STAGES assessments. Organizational data was gathered using Integral Methodological Pluralism and Banathy’s three lenses as a guiding framework, scored using O’Fallon’s three methods, and then thematically coded. The findings placed 2 participants at 4.0 and 1 at 5.5, with their organizations scoring at 4.0, 4.0, and 4.5, respectively. Pattern matching showed alignment with propositions of adult development, and a similar distribution of organizational scores and themes to those of the participants implies a direct relationship between the Founder/CEO development and systems of belief and those of the organization
About Eric Reynolds:
Eric Reynolds received his MA in Transformative Leadership from the California Institute of Integral Studies and his PhD at Saybrook University in Organizational Systems with a specialization in leadership and sustainability. As a transdisciplinary scholar of Next-Stage Organizations, and Executive Editor of Integral Leadership Review, he passionately bridges the many silos of human knowing, being, doing, and relating.