ROBLEDO, Marco Antonio


Title of contribution:

The three dimensions of integral purpose

Where & when:

Marbella I. (Leadership and Power Shift)
Thursday, May 28th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30 

Workshop: The three dimensions of integral purpose

Profit maximization has traditionally been the purpose of business. The 3D-Management theory, a pioneer application of integral theory to organizations, denies the absolutist imperialism of profit and replaces it by a harmonic triumvirate that takes equally into account other objectives. 3D Management, based on AQAL, defines three fundamental, independent and irreducible dimensions of management: science, arts and ethics, which refer respectively to the techno-economical, the developmental- emotional and the moral aspects of organizational reality. This model presents a hierarchy of dimensions with the objectives of the scientific dimension (maximising profit), artistic dimension (development) and ethical dimension (making a better world) being just instrumental to the final objective of the spiritual dimension, which is the integral purpose of the organization, a lofty calling that transcends and includes the objectives of all the other dimensions.

According to the 3D-Management philosophy an organization extends its bottom line to a quadruple bottom line of profit (science), people (art), planet (ethics) and purpose (spirit), purpose being the dimension that integrates the other three in an essential unit. Thus, purpose is the ultimate objective of the organization, which is then deployed in the objectives of the three other dimensions, subsequently expressed through subdimensions, and finally deployed in concrete KPIs for performance management.

About Marco Antonio Robledo:

Dr. Marco Antonio Robledo (PhD, MBA, BA) is Professor of the Department of Business and director of the MBA at the University of the Balearics (UIB).

He defines himself as a change agent that helps organizations and individuals in their integral development and transformation towards higher levels of consciousness. He is the author of a pioneer integral organizational theory called 3D Management and the founder and leader of the 3D Management Club of Conscious Organizations.

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