
Title of contribution:

Scaling the Power Shift

Where & when:

Marbella I. (Leadership and Power Shift)
Friday, May 29th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30 

Presentationt: Scaling the Power Shift

It is our commercial organisations that are capable of tremendous impact. Yet this impact often is not a reflection of the values and needs of those working in the organisation or those impacted by the organisation. More often than not the impact is experienced as decremental to the societies they function in. This is a symptom of mismatched incentive structures. The incentives of a few owners of the organisation and their ability to drive its course versus the incentives of all those contributing to and effected by the organisation.

In this session I would like to explore these incentives and some solutions around how to align these opposing forces. And how we can harness the tremendous ability to impact our societies with commercial organisations in a way that is reflective of its collective needs. So let’s explore how funding organisations can be a catalyst for a purpose and value driven society.

About Schouten Joost:

I aim to create a work environment where we can all contribute to organisations that align with our personal values and do so in social structures where we can show up without anxiety. I do this by helping organisations self organise around a clear purpose as a Holacracy Coach at, build software supporting organisations in this transition as a partner at and help Purpose Driven organisations scale through funding as a partner at PowerShift Capital.

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