(United Kingdom)

Title of contribution:

Demystifying Samadhi and Nibbana


 Morning group meditation

Where & when:


Presentation: Demystifying Samadhi and Nibbana

A brief talk on some of the most profound states of meditation. A no-nonsense outline of what these states are, how to attend them, and why they are important for the transformation of self and society.

Presentation: Morning group meditation

Start your day with a group meditation, open to everyone, from beginners through to advanced practitioners. After the sitting we will have time for Q&A to help refine and deepen our practice, and private sessions for personalised instruction will be offered on request.

About Upton Beth :

I was a Buddhist nun for ten years, training deeply in the Burmese Theravada tradition. I now teach meditation and lead Sanditthika Meditation Community in southern Spain.

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