
Title of contribution:

Integral Cooperation: Concept & Eurythmy Exercises

Integral Economics: from Efficiency to Integritye

Where & when:

Play Room.
Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
10:30 – 12:00 

Toscana I.
Friday, May 29th, 2020
11:30 – 13:30

Integral Cooperation: Concept & Eurythmy Exercises

Each level of consciousness brings new model of interactions between people.
After brief theoretical introduction describing these models and logic behind its evolution, we will dive into the practical exploration of the ways of social interactions using Eurythmy exercises.
Being the art of making the invisible visible, Eurythmy will help us to explore and reveal internal nature and external manifestations of our social self, experiencing it directly through the simple but deep group exercises. After modelling the existing and well-studied systems of social interactions, we will try to explore what is emerging on the front edge of consciousness and organizational development.
Then we will apply this experience and insights looking for the answers to the most actual practical questions, such as how Eurythmy can help to facilitate growing up both on individual and collective levels, how we can address ecological problems curing the shadow of Orange, and what is the most natural way to Teal.

Integral Economics: from Efficiency to Integrity

Exploring economics through the prism of AQAL enables us to realize economics as part of a bigger picture where all elements are interconnected and evolve.
Each level of consciousness brings new model of interactions between people. And, being more and more complex, mature, flexible, inclusive and transcending, it gives us access to higher and higher efficiency.
What business models exist on each stage, and what are the fundamental mechanisms that make efficiency grow?
How Efficiency expands towards Integrity, taking care of more and more Stakeholders on the way of evolution, integrating polarities and turning contradictions into synergy?
Is there a place for homo sapiens in the economy of the future, and what existential questions will we face soon?
Finally, we will apply Integral Economics framework looking for the answers to the most actual practical questions that we face, such as how we can integrate Economy and Ecology in a holistic system, efficient and harmonious.

About Yakovenko Yaroslav:

Business consultant helping organizations and people to be more efficient and integral.
Master’s degree in Economics/Finance.
Having professional background related to financial management and general corporate governance, for last several years I’m developing my own consultancy in the field of financial management and business efficiency.
Social investor supporting projects with positive social impact.
Explorer and popularizer of Integral theory, co-organizer of Ukrainian Integral Gatherin

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