Title of contribution:
Straight From the Achiever to the Strategist
Where & when:
Presentation: Straight From the Achiever to the Strategist
Coach Institute receives daily requests from leaders to help them transform from the Achiever action logic to that of the Strategist skipping the Individualist stage.
Coach Institute is the only company in Russia with an integral human and company technology development training course incorporating Vertical Leadership Development. We have helped over 400 people to transform from the Achiever logic to the Individualists or the Strategists, and today we will share the experience of these transformations.
We will discuss:
Why leaders form a request to transform “straight from the Achiever to the Strategist”.
What troubles clients at the Individualist stage and how to help them deal with anxiety of getting stuck in this action logic.
How to support leaders and teams during the entire transformation process.
At the end of the presentation the participants will:
Become acquainted with the specifics of the two transformations – from the Achiever to the Individualist and from the Individualist to the Strategist.
Learn about the real and imagined pitfalls of these processes.
About Yana Melville:
Business-trainer with more than 15 years of work, master of facilitation, 10 years of coaching with Russian and Western top-management, 10 years of management, corporate universities building, and managers training