Kim Barta 


Title of contribution:

Meta Shadow: The Evolution of Shadow Resolution

Where & when:



Meta Shadow: The Evolution of Shadow Resolution

Meta-Integral-Evolutionary shadow work requires a structure that holds all shadow practices and all psychotherapy practices in one functional theoretical and easily applicable framework. Enter the Evolution of Shadow Resolution (ESR). ESR is a unique structure that holds all other shadow practices within it, while simultaneously being a shadow practice in and of itself while at the same time elucidating the fundamental evolutionary steps that underlay all successful shadow resolution. This workshop is suitable for both professionals and laypersons seeking personal growth.

About Kim Barta

Kim Barta MA is an internationally recognized multi-cultural psychotherapist, public speaker, and workshop developer. With over 30 years experience with individuals, groups, and systems, Kim has developed multiple programs for healing and personal growth including Shadow to Spirit, Psycho-social Cartography, and Developmentally informed psychotherapy and coaching. His last IEC project was rated in the top 3 of all IEC presentations that year.

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