Title of contribution:

Where is the transpersonal movement at and how does it relate to integral?

Where & when:

Ibiza I.

Saturday, 26th May

Project: Where is the transpersonal movement at and how does it relate to integral?

2018 is the 50th anniversary of the field of Transpersonal Psychology, to which Ken Wilber was involved at the beginning of his work, making seminal contributions, before he created and developed the integral movement. In this presentation we will explore where is the transpersonal movement at the present moment and how does it relates to the integral movement. Which are the similarities and differences between both fields? Can they collaborate in a synergic way, becoming allies of evolution?

About Iker Puente:

Psychologist, researcher and writer. He holds a Psychology PhD. He has been trained in Gestalt Therapy, Integrative Bodywork Therapy, Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology. He works as a psychotherapist in Barcelona, organize breathwork workshops and transpersonal psychology seminars and courses, and is the Assistant Editor of the Journal of Transpersonal Research (JTR). He recently published his first book “Psychedelic psychotherapy and research: past, present and future”.

Website: http://www.ikerpuente.com

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