Title of contribution:

Embodied Knowing

Where & when:

Marabella I.

Friday, 25th May

Project: Embodied knowing – a compass on the journey towards wholeness and purpose in organisations

Many organisations feel drawn to more empowering, agile and purpose-driven processes. However, they soon tend to bump up against the ontological assumptions of the current level of consciousness: How can we be accountable if we haven’t got things ‘under control’? What value do I add if I don’t know the answer? While some organizations make all possible efforts to hold up an illusion of control, for others the VUCA world might be a stepping-stone towards a new level of consciousness where letting go of control in the old way enables tapping into new forms of knowing and creating. This session offers a space to experiment with embodied practices to tap into inner knowing and connect to deeper levels of identity and purpose. We will explore how we can embrace ‘not knowing’ and come to understand in new ways, using embodied and systemic practices. We will look at intuition as a potential compass towards purpose and sharpen our antennas for what wants to emerge from the collective field.

About Katharina Sell:

Katharina Sell is a consultant and executive coach for organisational transformation and next-level leadership. Her work focuses on leveraging the challenges of our VUCA world for organisational and individual transformation, turning leadership into an inspired process of co-creation . She helps her clients ground organisational processes in purpose, passion and values and uses embodied and creative practices to prepare the ground for transformative learning on individual and collective level.

Website: http://www.create-impact.com

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