Kristian Stålne (Sweden)

Title of contribution:

Collective Developmental Archetypes

Where & when:


Collective Developmental Archetypes

Collective development in qualitatively different stages or levels can manifest in e.g. cultural and societal development (Graves, Beck et al, Freinacht, Wilber, Scharmer and Kaufer), organizational development (Laloux) and leadership cultures (Drath et al). It is however not clear if all these models are consistent with each other and how they relate to adult development theories of individuals according e.g. Commons, Cook-Greuter or Basseches. Collective Developmental Archetypes, CDA, is an approach towards establishing the central and most basal aspects of collective development. The following four aspects are suggested as being basal: perspective taking, complex thinking, belongingness and distinction making. CDA addresses the individual capabilities and meaning making required to successfully operate in a corresponding collective level, or archetype as it seen as a collective pattern. The presentation will include short exercises so that each level may be directly experienced.

About Kristian Stålne:

Kristian Stålne, PhD, is a senior lecturer at Malmö University, founding member of European Society for Research in Adult Development and author of an introductory book on adult development stage theories for complexity and meaning making. His is recognised as an Excellent Teaching Practitioner for integrating adult development perspectives in pedagogic theory and practice. Kristian’s research spans and intersects engineering, adult development, indoor environments and leadership development.

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