Title of contribution:

Use the actor and director’s toolbox to translate integral theories into practice

Where & when:


Saturday, 26th May

Project: Use the actor and director’s toolbox to translate integral theories into practice

It takes a long time to understand the whole integral system on the mental level – and it takes even longer to get all the theories into the body so they become useful in the “real” world. Too many stop at the mental level and forget their bodies, the physical actions, the unspoken word and the voice of the heart – the power dynamic of sexuality and so on…. The aim of this workshop is to rehearse all the theories on the floor. We use the theories as manuscripts that we are going to play in reality. We expose the four quadrants, masculine and feminine energies, the Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics to the theater’s test hall

About Lai Yde:

I’m an danish actor and have done a lot of Theatre and TV work but surprisingly my most interesting job was doing improvised roleplay with business leaders. The leaders didn’t have any practical tools to read body language as we actors do, so I transformed my acting toolbox so I could train the corporate world in social and emotional skills. In 2006 I started studying Ken Wilber’s system and spent the last ten years translating the models into physical characters that actors can play om stage.


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