SCHURINGA, Leida (Netherlands)

Title of contribution:

How do we make this crucial leap? The transition from Green to Yellow

How do we make this crucial leap? The transition from Green to Yellow

Where & when:

Toscana I.
Thursday, 24th 12:00-14:00

Play Room
Friday, 25th 11:30-13:30

How do we make this crucial leap? The transition from Green to Yellow

In this article I describe how we can see that the transition from First Tier to Second Tier – and more specific from the Green stage to the Yellow/Teal one – is taking place in individuals, organisations and in society. Clare Graves anticipated the ‘momentous leap’ and various people (like Ken Wilber) state that now we somehow are at the start of this happening. My question is: how can we experience and see that we are making this leap and that we’re not still struggling in Green, wishing we were already at the other side of this gap.

About Ledia Schuringa

Leida Schuringa is a coach, author and SDi-trainer. She is very interested in applying SDi on societal issues. She worked in the non-profitsector and international development (at this moment in projects in Malawi and Czech Republic). She wrote books about project management, handling diversity and community empowerment. Her passion is to contribute to cooperation between people from many different backgrounds. She is especially involved in the issue of integration of refugees.

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