LINDA, Berens (USA)

Title of contribution:                             Where & when:

 The Intersection of Types and Levels                      Ibiza II.
                                                                                        Friday, 25th   11:30-13:30          

The Diversity-Wholeness Connection                       Marabella I.
                                                                                         Tuesday, 22nd 10:30-11:15

Project: The Intersection of Types and Levels

The Integral Community focus tends more towards Levels than Types. In 2013, Linda outlined a Meta-model of Types and their relationship to development. Types are often seen as static and useful strictly for horizontal development, but an Integral approach to Types can inform our path towards development. Essential Motivators, Interaction Styles, and Cognitive Dynamics are 3 integrated lenses on the 16 Jungian patterns and include practices for development. The Enneagram also charts a course on the developmental landscape. Though no comprehensive research has been done to include the intersections between typology lenses and levels of development, years of observation have revealed that aspects of level descriptions from Spiral Dynamics, Altitudes, and StAGES reflect typology patterns and vice versa. Learn about preliminary research results. Explore with Heidi and Linda the essentials of typology and levels, and how this marriage can spark vertical development and evolutionary changes.

Project 2: The Diversity-Wholeness Connection

Using 3 integrated, robust lenses of CORE Personal Patterns we explore a methodology that illuminates paths to evolutionary development in individuals and collectives. These patterns give us insights into how we are already self-organized. We often lose sight of our wholeness as we adapt to contexts that don’t match how we are naturally organized. Contexts that do not honor our diversity form a barrier to wholeness. Awareness of our own personal patterns and those of others makes us more appreciative of work and learning style differences. Recent examples of use at HolacracyOne,, and Evolution at Work, and over 20 years at a hospital will highlight Teal based applications. When these patterns become a common language, individuals and collectives can spot strengths, blind spots, communication blocks and interactional preferences that are sources of conflict as well as essential for creativity. Individual and group reflection and activities open your eyes to new perspectives.

About Linda Berens:

Linda Berens, PhD, is recognized internationally in the field of individual differences, developing an innovative, robust system of exploring CORE Personal Patterns to foster vertical and horizontal development of individuals and collectives. She has been training change agents since 1975 using an organic, systems view and an integral approach. Through Linda Berens Institute and as a partner in and Evolution at Work, she fulfills her purpose of enabling contexts where people thrive.


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