Title of contribution:

Heart of Europe & the Integral Power of our Heart

Where & when:

Play Room

Tuesday, 22nd May

Project: Heart of Europe & the Integral Power of our Heart

The integral stage is powered by our hearts. That’s how we see the deep connection between Integral Theory and our work as FUTURE Coaches and Trainers. The power of our hearts is not only some feel-good, green-stage thing. Much more than that it enables us: to go beyond our thoughts and expectations, to deeply accept a reality and different perceptions of it, to connect to the stages/instances within ourselves and others, to let go of obsolete thoughts, patterns and fears. There is the power of the individual heart, but also of the collective hearts of groups, organizations, even nations. At the IEC we like to go a step further, connecting into the heart of Europe. In this workshop you will:
– in part 1: Experience the power of your heart, supported by three experienced trainers and a set of methods developed and tested for more than 25 years.
– in part 2: Engage in an experiment to connect with the collective heart of Europe, experiencing Europe from a deeply integral perspective.

About Maria Kaplan:

Maria Kaplan, born 1974, has various leadership experiences in the international industrial sector. She searches for the link between seemingly opposing cultures, disciplines, departments or ways of thinking. Thanks to the combination of the Future method with its wholistic view of the human being and life and other scientific heart-focused methods she enables individuals in organizations and corporations to reconnect to their inner voice and to their intuition.


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