Title of contribution:

What Can Be Done by Anyone, in any Position, to Provoke the Transformation Journey: an Interactive Experience.

Where & when:

Marabella I.

Saturday, 26th. May

Project: Provoke Organizational Movement With or Without permission

What is the ultimate paradox of TEAL transformation? Do you really need permission, or can you do it anyway?

Play an interactive and collective game, based on real life experience, that will help you to understand that anyone in a company has the right to provoke change.

Collaborate with gaming partners to build a movement of transformation. Learn how there is no difference between social change and corporate change.

Use non-violent and corporate hacking tactics to stimulate thought, feelings and action. Realize that in a complex system (life) all small actions have an influence on the system at large.

You are all the power; become what you are.

About Max Bailey:

I love to provoke movement towards the organic network organisation, the way of the living organism.

I have a background in engineering, I was a manager, a ‘leader’ a ‘talent’: I left all of these labels behind. I understood that part of my suffering came from my willingness to comply to the framework of work.

While humbly continuing my own journey of discovery, I currently act inside a large company to stimulate movement on an individual and collective level. I live in the question.


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