Title of contribution:

The Integral Agile Transformation Framework: A Compass for Raising Consciousness in Organizations

Where & when:

Ibiza I.

Friday, 25th May

Project: The Integral Agile Transformation Framework: A Compass for Raising Consciousness in Organizations

As corporations continue to rapidly evolve, we must develop revolutionary ways to transform organizations. There is an imperative for today’s leaders to raise their consciousness to a higher order of thinking, to break away from their conventional methods – to wake up to the call for leaders to create workplaces where people can contribute to a higher purpose. Humanity and Planetary issues are forcing leaders to re-imagine their orgs – their products, values, and contribution to society and the planet. Organizational transformations have been failing, losing out to those organizations whose leaders have figured out how to shift their worldview and lead from an outcome-creating place.

In this session, we will explore the path of raising organizational consciousness, starting with leaders, using the Integral Agile Transformation Framework as a compass. As we look through the lens of each quadrant, you will get a view into how to consciously go about designing for transformation on the path from Delivery Agility, to Business Agility to Integral Agility.

About Michael Spayd:

In a word, Michael’s life’s work is transformation – as coach, change consultant and personal learner. An avid Integralist, Michael is co-authoring a book: The Integral Agile Transformation Framework (with Michele Madore), applying AQAL to Agile transformations. He co-founded the Agile Coaching Institute to change the conversation around Agile coaching; in 2016, he co-founded Trans4mation to “transform transformations,” bringing consciousness and Integral to Agile transformations.

Website: http://www.trans4mation.coach

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