Title of contribution:

Heal toward Teal or Navigate the Green Mean Fighting Machine

Where & when:

Marabella II.

Thursday, 24th May

Project: Heal toward Teal or Navigate the Green Mean Fighting Machine. A Relationships Workshop on Character Refinement and Humility.

Virtues such as humility, temperance, endurance, restraint, forgiveness, honesty and compassion are only tested out when relationships contextually hit on hard times. This workshop is for couples struggling to shake off greens slimy residue. Over the last several years Nic has been refining a pathway for couples to reach teal, turquoise and relational spiritual development. With 4 bibliotherapy modules titled ‘The 4 Faces of Love’, Nic takes individuals and couples through the therapeutic journey of character refinement through the lens of tetrahension (thinking in 4’s) used as the structural backbone within the workshops at IEC. Themes include a new view of spiritual bypassing, balancing sex, love and intimacy, finding your centre via the contemplative traditions, the psychology of spirituality, understanding your overlapping temperaments and how to get the best out of the integral map in your private domain.
Check out the training reviews at

About Nic Morrey:

His practice style is influenced by his experiences in Hakomi, Insight Meditation, Mondo Zen, The Diamond Approach, Integral Psychotherapy, Imago & PACT. He’s a trained facilitator with Groupwork Institute and Men’s Wellbeing Common Ground program, spent several years running a men’s shed, he’s a married man of 22 years with 2 kids and a survivor of a major life-changing car accident which nearly took his life 2.5 years ago and is the Vic Transpersonal Psych Convener for the Aust Psych Society.


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