Nicole Grossen, Céline Bedu (Switzerland)

Title of contribution:

In the Shadow lies our Evolution

Where & when:


In the Shadow lies our Evolution

Shadow Work is often seen as a way to let go of the past, get rid of unhealthy patterns, fight projections and other tricks of our unconscious. But Shadow Work isn’t only about past and present struggles.

From years of experience with group sessions, intensive retreats and a life dedicated to practice, we know how challenging Shadow Work can be. Yet, once the rough cleaning up of the past is over, the fun and rewarding part begins! We can see how the potential starts to unfold, the healthy ego blossoms, and the superpower awakens.

We are convinced that these superpowers and a radical shadow practice are very much needed to our collective evolution, and this is why we want to bring Integral Shadow Work into the world.

In this workshop, Nicole and Céline from Integral Life in Switzerland will share their knowledge and experiences as active participants and leaders of shadow group sessions – acquired with blood, sweat, and tears over the last five years.

Through many personal examples and exercises, we will take you on a journey of what it means to truly integrate a shadow to unfold your Authentic Self and healthily integrate your Emergent Shadows to access your full potential. You will also be able to experience the power of a group setting and take away straightforward but practical tools that can facilitate a start into your shadow practice.

About Nicole Grossen:

Nicole Grossen has been practicing an intense Integral Life Practice for just over five years. Through this transformative process, with the help of radical shadow work, body work, cognitive work and meditation, she has gone through an intense Growing Up. Based on her experiences and insights from her personal work she offers Coachings under the brand “StepUp” and further education for teachers.

Name of co-contributor: Céline Bedu:

Céline fell in love nine years ago and stepped into Shadow Work at the very same moment. After a skeptical start, it turned into a natural part of her everyday life and impacted it and her in many aspects, from employment to parenting to relationships. She now leads Integral Shadow Work courses at Integrales Leben in Basel, and she decided to work in an organization on its way to Teal, where she applies it daily.


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