KISS, Olga; GÁTFALVI, Katalin; PAUKER, Gabriella


Title of contribution:

Freedom to evolve

Where & when:


Presentation: Freedom to evolve

The theme of the workshop is our freedom to evolve. From the experience of inner freedom, we make an inner step of individual development – everyone in their own way, everyone in their own space. Then we make a movement that can already be seen and experienced by others: it has become objectified. There will be those who connect to it and find their own ways how to carry it on, while there will be those who don’t. Everyone only connects when his or her own time for change arrives when experiencing — inside or outside — what inspires a change. And then he makes his own gesture that expresses his change.
This is how evolution will be common: everyone goes their own way, in their own space, but we connect with each other, inspire each other, and thus something is created that already affects us together. At the beginning and end of the workshop, participants are invited to connect with the world in and around them. Observe where they started from and experience the change that has taken place, and if they think, share their experiences with others.

About Katalin Gátfalvi:

Katalin Gátfalvi is a mental health professional, coach, focus trainer, breathing trainer, relaxation trainer, and symbol therapist. She has met with free dance at MA-URI® INSTITUTE for the first time. Then she deepened her knowledge on variegation of movement and music experiencing in 5Rithm dance meditation sessions. She experinenced the connection of music and breathing in the Institute for Transpersonal Breathing. She is a personal and group consultant since 2008.

About Olga Kiss:

Olga Kiss, PhD is an Assistant Professor at Corvinus University and the Vice President of Research of European Mentoring and Coaching Council Hungary. She is a philosopher, executive, and existential coach.
She was an amateur dancer (ballroom dancing, jazz-dance) and studied yoga for years. Now she is interested in alternative ways of healing and finding the connection between Western scientific knowledge, philosophy, and Eastern wisdom not only in words but in her personal experience as well.

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