Pascal Straus, 

Katrijn Tack

(Netherland; Belgium)

Title of contribution:

Collective evolution starts with the individual

Where & when:


Collective evolution starts with the individual

Aligning body, mind and spirit through empowerment. This is your invitation to explore!

Empowerment means enabling the individual to explore his/her full potential. We believe that this personal development starts with aligning body mind and spirit. First step is to know, recognize and acknowledge what is going on inside the body and how we express ourselves.
Working on the ‘fixed mindset’ towards (or back to) the ‘growth mindset’, being able to see possibilities instead of obstacles.
To explore our spirit and its needs, to listen to what your deepest desires, dreams, vision and mission is for the world.

Through the connection of inner work, reflecting on yourself, your body, mind and spirit aligns and as a collective we can awaken the global potential.

This workshop is closing the gap between knowledge and experience. We will share tangible exercises and background information to start your own journey.

We need more role models and less teachers and this starts with you. It’s time to wake-up, grow-up, show-up!

About Pascal Strauss:

Pascal Strauss is an Entrepreneur and Head of Business Unit Coaching at Syngeon in Luxemburg, where he is specialised in Creating Learning Organisations. One of his teachers is Peggy Dylan from the Sundoor Institute (USA) where he was licensed as a Sakahàn–Instructor – to Train and educated Empowerment Coaches. Founder of Vision x Camp, the Recharge Initiative and Project Identity, it is his mission is to close the gap between knowledge and experience, especially of the young generation.

About Katrijn Tack

Katrijn Tack is a Transpersonal Counselor and in tradition of the teachings of Peggy Dylan (Sundoor Instituut), she’s developing herself as an empowerment coach and trainer. Working as a project manager empowerment, and driven by her passion to empower our youth, she’s honored to present the Body Mind Spirit workshop and organize and facilitate the IEC 2022 live firewalk experience.

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