MERRY, Peter (Netherlands)

Title of contribution:

Volution: An integrative theory of the holographic and trans-linear dynamics of life (Acad)

Large-scale Energetics: An Experiential Exploration of Working with the Subtle Energetic Architecture of Place and Organisation

Where & when:

Ibiza II.
Friday, 25th 11:30-13:30                                    

Marabella II.
Friday, 25th 15:30-17:00                                                                                                                   

Volution: An integrative theory of the holographic and trans-linear dynamics of life

Volution: An integrative theory of the holographic and trans-linear dynamics of life. The idea that we as humanity have evolved in a linear process over time is probably one of the most widely accepted ideas across the human species.
However, over the last couple of years, I have come to question this perspective. An understanding of the science and geometry of the cosmos, including the dynamics of the torus which seem to be central to all life, together with body-energy research with Dylan Newcomb, have strengthened my belief that there is a more adequate perspective on our human reality that better reflects the fundamental dynamics of life.
This presentation unpacks my PhD dissertation, exploring the broader conceptual perspective and applies it to our human story.

Large-scale Energetics: An Experiential Exploration of Working with the Subtle Energetic Architecture of Place and Organisation

Much has been published about the interaction between energetic fields and human consciousness. 28 years of research at Princeton University’s Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) project showed beyond statistical doubt that human intention impacts otherwise random events. Yet very few practices have emerged that apply these concepts to our natural ecologies, organisations and communities in these times of transition.
This workshop will combine short conceptual introductions to some basic concepts of energy with experiential exercises where participants get to perceive and interpret the energy of the place we are located and the organisation that is hosting us. Participants will also experience interaction with PEAR’s Random Event Generator technology, seeing their collective intention reflected on the screen at the front of the room.

About Peter Merry

Peter Merry is co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University, founder of the Center for Human Emergence (Netherlands), and a founding partner of Engage!. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics and Spiral Dynamics Integral in particular. He has had his first book published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership). In 2017 he completed his PhD with Ubiquity’s Wisdom School on Volution.

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