Pier Luigi


Title of contribution:

Biotransenergetics: From practicing psychotherapy to a Self-Realization path

Biotransenergetics (Acad)                                  

Where & when:

Toscana I.
Friday, 25th 15:30-18:00

Toscana II.
Sunday, 27th 11:30-13:30

Biotransenergetics: From practicing psychotherapy to a Self-Realization path

Biotransenergetics: From practicing psychotherapy to a Self-Realization path
Biotransenergetics is a psycho-spiritual discipline which promotes the full expression of our “intimate nature or spiritual essence”.
It doesn’t limit itself to the wellness, it wants love and confidence, freedom and honour, courage and responsibility to preserve the sacred power of the life and the natural forces.
It finds its roots in the “primary tradition”, fruit of the primordial yearning of the human being for understanding nature and harmonizing with it.
This original fit started the shamanism, the first “religions of nature”, which are amoral and ecstatic and believe in a “fundamental unity of creation”.
Biotransenergetics teaches the inner experience that is able to explore and master states of consciousness beyond dual mind and healing from inside.
Key words: Persistency of contact, Mastership of Transe, Zero, Field, Second Attention, Further Mode

About Pier Luigi Lattuada

Pier Luigi Lattuada of the Integral Transpersonal Institute, Milan, Italy and Sofia University Palo Alto Ca is a Medical Doctor. He has a Ph. D. in Behavioral Studies and a Psy. D. in Clinical Psychology. He is also a Psychotherapist. Founder of Biotransenergetics, Pier Luigi is the Director of the Transpersonal Psychotherapy School in Milan. He is Adjunct Faculty at Sofia University, Palo Alto, CA and Faculty and chair of BA on Integral Transpersonal Psychology at Ubiquity University.

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