
Title of contribution:

Reinventing Recruitment                                   

Next Stage Constellation Work                        

Where & when:

Marabella I.
Tuesday, 22nd 09:00-10:30

Ibiza I.
Tuesday, 22nd 15:30-17:00

Reinventing Recruitment

Recruiting is among the least well functioning business processes. When confronted with the task to design the process for a huge personnel portal, Rainer v. Leoprechting reinvented the process with an integral design. Drawing from his experience as a career coach, he knew the desire of success was the best matchmaker between people offering and people searching for work. Learn in the session how in a few simple steps you can identify which successes are possible and real in your own organization, how to make this knowledge available for your hiring staff and your candidates, and how you bring every one to the job where they grow and produce best.

Next Stage Constellation Work

Constellation work is very elegant when it includes stages of development to orient choices and to point where systems converge towards their specific evolution. Rainer has developed this way of working with systems in constellations since many years. Participants can bring their open unresolved questions or cases of any nature to this workshop. The circle of all participants will co-host the development from problem to evolution.

About Rainer von Leoprechting

Rainer (*1965 in Germany) practices systemic constellations since the early 2000s when he set up a standing seminar inside the European Commission. He trains the hosting and integral consulting of healing, families and relationships, business, political and even more complex systems with ease and elegance.
After 18 years with the European institutions in Brussels he now lives in the integral community farm Obenaus, Austria. He founded the Next Stage World Gatherings and enterprise network.

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