WAGNERRemigius (Switzerland)

Title of contribution:

Evolution in the

Psychosexual Line

Sex as catalyst for

ILP and transformation

Where & when:

Marabella II.

Saturday, 26th 12:00-14:00

Play Room

Saturday, 26th 15:30-18:00

Evolution in the Psychosexual Line

The presentation shows first results of our study of evolution in the psychosexual line, both personal and in society. Through personal practice and in exchange with experts in various spheres of action worldwide, we are drawing a wider picture, an overview and a vision for a healthy psychosexual development. We like to share this and find allies in the integral community for further studies in this important but still tabooed topic. Our overview is based on the integral map, which allows to identify best practices, potentials, gaps or obstacles for further evolution in this field.

Sex as catalyst for ILP and transformation

This workshop uses all gold star elements of the Integral Life Practice – including sexuality. We experience and reflect sex through all levels from red to turquoise, in all three bodies (concrete, subtle and causal) and in more elements of the AQAL model. We primarily use sexual energy as catalyst for basic vitality, deeper perception, compassion, love, happiness, peak experience, creativity, letting go and a non-dual perception. It gives you an experience of the integral map in sexuality and spirituality. This workshop also includes shadow work and other transformative pracitces for your personal life, for your partnership and for a greater good.
Sexuality and sexual energy in this workshop does not include sexual intercourse nor touching genitals of other participants, because we want to keep a safe and healthy space together. But nevertheless our methods are still intimate, touching and deep. We let you feel the integration of left hand and right hand tantra in the same space.

It’s a short and light version of sexual flow, our 12 years old project you find at https://www.erfahrungskreis.ch/sflow-english
Requirements for participation:
Participants need to have the willingness to contribute with your own personality, your mindfulness and your support for yourself, for us as group and for a greater good. You are responsible for your actions and your health. You are also co-responsible for the health and well-being of others.
No photos and no videos are accepted
* Overviev of the topic and of our practice
* purpose, agreements, rules among participants
* Shadow work
* practice to witness and to slow down
* breathing practice
* binaural beats
* mandala
* movements and self stimulation
* energy work
* visions
* reflection
* embodying
* feedback

About Remigius Wagner

Remi holds a MA in Art History, Linguistics and Computer Science and diplomes as Teacher, trainer and coach. He is mainly active as a cultural historian, coordinator and editor. At his home in Appenzell and abroad, he works in groups who deepen art and integral life practice. He is dedicated to integral projects on a tight budget that are worth to become more reality. He continues his education in spirituality and bodywork, while traveling to India and South America and in practice groups.

Website: https://www.erfahrungskreis.ch

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