Title of contribution:

How to use our brain effectively

Where & when:

Ibiza I.

Thursday, 24th May

Project: Holacracy and Sociocracy, both create environments that are conducive to evolution. – Users share their experiences, inquire and learn with each other.

After practicing Holacracy for more than 6 years, and also working with Sociocracy for the last two years, to us, it is highly evident that these operating systems create environments conducive to evolution.

As all three “Teal” breakthroughs – Wholeness, Evolutionary Purpose, and Self-Management – are anchored in and shaped by practice, we want to create a we-space in which our collective intelligence supports us in learning together.

In this conversation, we inquire our experiences with the principles and structures such as:
– The “Tension” Principle
– Dynamic Governance
– Consent instead of Consensus
– Organizing in Circles
– Circle communication
– Integrative Decision-Making
– Integrative Election
– Different types of meetings
– Useful software
– Creating safe space

We are looking forward to you contributing!

About Reto Diezi:

Graduated in Economics and Business Administration and lectured in the field of Business Administration and later a research fellow at the Central Bank of Switzerland. Served as CEO of the asset management company of a European Insurance Group. Former Member of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of various mutual fund and asset management companies in Europe. Former Swiss Track & Field Champion and Record Holder. Joined The Appreciators in 2013.


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