Kai Mosebach


Title of contribution:

How we found a way to measure the Integral Address

Where & when:


How we found a way to measure the Integral Address

Determining an individual’s Integral Address is a very important step to solve some of the big problems our world currently suffers from: Only when we know where somebody is communicating from, can we answer appropriately. While there are already approaches to evaluate one or two developmental lines, we must strive for a more complete picture including all relevant lines and a fundamental developmental typology.

In our consulting work we realized how crucial the Integral Address will be to deal with the problems of our generation and our children’s generation. Since then our passion and energy went into creating a complete toolset of maps and diagnosis tools for human development. One very important step in this endeavour is our Integral Address Identification.

This tool delivers no less than the developmental stage of all self-relevant lines of a person. At the same time, it cannot only rely on a person’s thoughts and words but also on their behaviour and reactions in certain situations. This tool must be holistic in the sense of including all four quadrants.

In this talk we will show how the Integral Address Identification works and what techniques it’s based on.

About Silas Hörler:

Silas is author of the book ‘Integral Bodywork’ and operator of the Youtube channel with the same name. He has more than 8 years of experience as a life and team coach in Integral Life Practice.
As co-founder of IntegralWorks, Silas is responsible for leading workshops and trainings, analyzing and formulating new approaches and content and developing new tools.
He lives with his wife and two children near Basel, Switzerland.

About Kai Mosebach:

Kai joined the integral scene and his first shadow group in beginning of 2012. He was founder and board member of the Association for Integral Life Switzerland in 2012, where he has been leading shadow groups since 2015 and created the format Shadow Busters in 2017. In 2018 he founded the IntegralWorks Inc together with three of his most brave fellows to bring conscious business to the upper (and lower) right. At the IEC he is an active creator and supporter of the Shadow Track.

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