Stéphane Segatori,
Jan Bruch

(France, Germany)

Title of contribution:

We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Businesses

Where & when:


We-Flow: Integral We-Space for Businesses

Experiential workshop for “SHOWING UP”:
Join us to integrate your latest insights in daily life.

Coming to We-Flow is stepping into a space of resourcefulness.
In that space your capacity expands, to call-in any state needed to do what is most important for you in the world, right now

We-Flow is an awareness-based social technology. It has emerged from the collective desire to integrate We-space practices in any professional context. We will go through 3 phases of Landing, Receiving and Making to: identify your desired outcome, receive one of our adaptive practices, and turn it all into purposeful action.

The practice has enabled its participants the incredible fusion of human nourishment & efficiency. It is currently used to serve several entrepreneurs, companies, and business cultures. Our collective runs Weekly online sessions, a Stewardship Certification program, trainings every 2 months, with more than 400+ professionals already served.

In this workshop you will discover the latest developments of this constantly evolving practice, and get the chance to bring your own work into the space. You get to choose your ideal facilitated Breakout from our Menu.

Before you join the workshop you may playfully ask yourself:

Am I inviting the possibility of being heartblown & mindblown?
Do I feel free to bring 100% of my playfulness?
Am I willing to allow my spontaneous genius to flow into action?

We look forward to welcome you and what you care about.

About Segatori Stéphane:

Stéphane’s background is in Business Intelligence & MBTI Coaching. He studied in detail the hidden links between organizations, human potential and states of consciousness. As Director of the We-Space Lab, his role is to develop practices & spaces where the workforce can grow. He’s a sportsman and teamplayer at the core. Playfulness is his way of existing, and a wild card to help professionals. He trained & facilitated in Integral communities in Boulder, SF, Paris and finally Amsterdam.

About Jan Bruch:

Jan Bruch is an Entrepreneur, Human Technologist, Socratic Designer, and We-Flow Steward. He connects leaders with exciting possibilities, and helps them to actualize their highest potential and to achieve extraordinary business results.

He founded Neumorgen Collective – a Culture Design & Branding agency – and is investing in education and human aliveness.

He guides groups in the „art of collective attention“ using philosophical tools, so that we can co-create coherent new futures.

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