Stina Deurell (Sweden),
Matthew Painton (UK),
Hanna Hündorf (Germany)

Title of contribution:

Planetary Alignment and Collective Perspectives

Where & when:


Planetary Alignment and Collective Perspectives

For the first time in history, we humans are starting to form one global, interconnected culture. Unfortunately, whilst doing this, we are destroying our habitat, the Earth, and our spiritualities are directed towards escape; transcendent enlightenment, or heaven.

We urgently need to take a giant evolutionary leap forward, forming one multi-individual species on one multi-species planet. A leap of the same magnitude as when our single-celled ancestors merged into multi-celled organisms more than a billion years ago.

In this workshop, you will get a taste of this emerging level. Moving from the latest scientific findings, through unconditional belonging in the subtle realm, to leaning out into what we call an Embrace, and become it. Taking the Embrace as our first-person perspective, experiencing the world as, for example, Humanity or the Biosphere. Gaining valuable insights and opening us to alignment and unfoldment.

Let’s explore this together with curiosity and open hearts.

About Stina Deurell:

Stina Deurell is the founder of Wider Embraces, and it has been her primary focus since 2012. Stina was one of the leading members of Malmö Integral and on the board of Holma College of Holistic Studies. She is a creative and renowned nature photographer, a web developer and graphic designer. Since the 70ties Stina has been part of the Swedish environmental movement. She holds a third-degree black belt in Aikido, has practised both TM and Zen meditation and is a Reiki master.

About Matthew Painton:

In 2017 Matthew had a crisis of anxiety about the direction of the global civilisation and the future it is hurtling towards. Having been a successful life coach, he could no longer coach for greater personal success in a broken system. Since then he has been coaching and facilitating Deep Adaptation which seeks to close the gap between personal awareness and global reality.

About Hanna Hündorf:

Hanna has been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism since 1982, living in Samye Ling, Scotland, where she completed two traditional three-year retreats.
In 1997 she started teaching and began developing her own style of transmitting the traditional teachings and methods in a way that is appropriate to the Western culture, but retains the depth and power. At the same time she began reading Ken Wilber and adopted the Integral View.
She works in landscaping together with her husband.

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