Mihai Streza


Title of contribution:

Shift Global Consciousness through Virtual Reality

Where & when:


Shift Global Consciousness through Virtual Reality

I have founded wondder, a company with the vision of a world of happy, healthy and successful people. Our belief: people CAN build this bright, sustainable future. For this, millions of us need to wake up, grow up and show up. Our purpose is to empower people, so they can build this bright, desirable future.

wondder enables fast people development & growth at global scale. We do this by creating integral personal development experiences in Virtual Reality.

A formidable number of people need to develop and grow, in a very short time-frame, to solve our wicked challenges (from mass depression and climate change to enormous social inequality) and build a great future. Developmental psychology speaks about 10% of the members of a specific population who need to rise to the next level of consciousness in order to trigger a shift in the respective population. If we consider the human race, let’s say we’re talking about roughly 700 million people.

How can we ignite integral transformation in 700 million people, fast? Our answer is: by using Virtual Reality and ethical Artificial Intelligence. Join us to find out more and discuss!

About Mihai Streza:

I am on an ever evolving journey of transformation since 2003, when my mentor introduced me to personal development and Integral. Started out in the East (of Europe), moved to the West (of Europe), journeyed through South Asia. Educated in Computer Science (Robotics and Human-Computer-Interaction) and Entrepreneurship. Launched two technology companies, worked in Strategy and Sustainability Consulting and Integral Investing. Now unfolding the intention of facilitating transformation at scale.


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