Tomas Björkman; Jan Artem Henriksson, 


Title of contribution:

The Inner Development Goals

Where & when:


The Inner Development Goals

The Global Goals were created as a roadmap to a sustainable future. We are now creating the Inner Development Goals – a well researched blueprint of the capabilities, qualities and skills that represents the adult development needed in society in order for us collectively manifest the understanding and will necessary to reach the SDGs.

The skills needed today are not given to us at birth; they arise from experience. We often think of it as wisdom, but individual experiences are not enough to solve the complex problems we face today. This is why we must learn from the very best collective problem-solving experiences, and promote skills that encourage new perspectives, support personal growth, and focus on our purpose in life.

The Inner Development Goals effort is both a communications project popularising the understating of the need for adult development in society, and a research project into the clusters of Transformative Skills ‘IDGs’ that can approximate the necessary adult development.

About Tomas Björkman:

Tomas Björkman is founder of the Ekskäret Foundation, Stockholm, with the aim of supporting sustainable development for individuals, organizations and society. He is also the co-founder of the research institute Perspectiva in London, of the Co-creation Foundation and the media platform Emerge in Berlin and personal development platform. He is the author of three books: The Market Myth (2016), The Nordic Secret (together with Lene Rachel Andersen, 2017) and The World We Create (2019).

About Jan Artem Henriksson:

Jan is one of the co-founders of SelfLeaders, a Nordic leadership development firm and Relate, a values based dating app. He is a board member at Ekskäret
Foundation in Sweden and head of the Though Leader Gatherings for Adult Development. Since 2010 he is part of the faculty of Stockholm School of Economics and a passionated co-creator, dancer and player of The Glass Bead Game – inspired by Hermann Hesse.

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