Sayalay Anuttara is an ordained female monk in the Burmese samatha-vipassana tradition of Pa Auk Sayadaw focusing on the workout of 8 jhanas and through that all the steps of vipassana realization to nibbana. Sayalay spent the last 12 years in the depth of Burmese monasteries and as a young stellar talent in meditation she is familiar with all the meditation instructions used in the jhana-vipassana path. She doesn’t give “one fit all” instructions on her retreats but gives instructions to each person individually followed by daily individual interviews and pratice with her. She comes to Europe and offers a 30 day retreat from the 1st to the 30th of June, 2018. It is a rare chance to meditate in the Buddhist samatha-vipassana tradition with a deeply practiced young female meditator trained uninterruptedly and ordained for more than a decade in the most original meditative environment of Burmese Buddhist monasteries. She is the perfect blend of Eastern purity of tradition and Western person-centerdness. In integral terms she has the healhty blue and good green combined. She has been practicing for more then 12 years now as an ordained female monk including a recent 1-year solo meditation in a cave. During the intimate retreat she will instruct everyone individually and offer daily follow up and interviews. She doesn’t impose a standard technique on participants but identifies what suits best to you. The retreat takes place in a simple and secluded retreat center in a very quiet valley an hour West of Budapest, in Hungary. It is perfectly supportive for your meditation retreat and Anuttara’s guidance for you: an illusion-cutting, gentle and compassionate presence.

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