Can regional integral hubs contribute to reinventing Europe?

The emergent experience of the Southern Catalonia Coevolution Hub

Coevolution Hub is an emergent integral community embedded in a regional ecosystem with the purpose to realize the full I-We potential. The hub impacts in key organizations and systems acting as a

sensor, connector and change engine.

Since the formal kick-off gathering of the Southern Catalonia Coevolution Hub in 2014, with the presence of George Pór and Thomas Hübl among others, nearly 1,000 people have been touched by the hub activities: 6 month integral training program for the university staff, emerging initiatives in several organizations (including a political party) willing to evolve towards teal, systemic rethinking journey through integral lens in regional primary care, etc. What emerges is a sensing engine that connects, at a meso human live scale, integral expertise with the need for more powerful approaches to deal with societal challenges by unleashing the I-We potential. Can a network of integral regional hubs contribute to reinvent Europe? What is our role as integral leaders to make it happen?

Outline of the contribution

Building an image of a Regional Integral Hub (RIH)
– Searching for a shared idea about RIH
– Connecting the dots –what is emerging
– AQAL RIH approach from the Southern Catalonia Coevolution Hub experience

Discovering the potential of regional Integral Hubs for reinventing Europe (collaborative exercise)
– Fast visualization individually and groups
– Finding key leverage points-actions
– Mapping our talents and envisioning our potential to make I happen


Jordi Cartanyà: Facilitator of systemic change by combining scientific, innovative and, more recently, spiritual worlds and mind-sets at meso level human geographies. Background as biochemistry researcher moved to university strategic innovation management. Four years at the Government of Catalonia as director general for research and innovation policies. As Executive Director of the Campus of International Excellence Southern Catalonia he co-founded the Coevolution Hub.

Gonzalo Miguez: Collaborative Meshworks Designer & Integral Master Coach™ with +15 years of experience working internationally with leaders and organizations across sectors on their integral evolution. With several degrees in law, business and organizational development, he is global partner at Creative Society Group, co-founder of Coevolution Hub & CHE Spain. He is currently involved in different projects working on evolutionary systems dynamics, integral business and regional transformation.

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