The stories I tell determine my life. Can I change my story to change my life?

The stories I tell determine my life. Can I change my story to change my life?

How can we use the stories we are telling about our people’s pasts as a guide to contribute to a promising European future?
Together we can work on differentiation that will lead us to the realization of our Unique Nation Selves and the medicine that we can each bring to Europe’s best expression.

Practicing Conscious Autobiographical Narrating supports us in dynamically evolving into the individuals, the members of our nations and the Europeans that we are meant to be.
Growing into a more complex understanding of who we were, who we have become and how we conceptualize the process of becoming itself helps us to unfold our Unique Selves. Meeting people from other European countries provides the amazing opportunity to work on differentiation that will lead us to the realization of our Unique Nation Selves and the medicine that we can each bring to Europe’s best expression. We will be listening for the call and letting us be pulled by the picture that wants to emerge:

A Unique European Self that yearns to be fully embodied.


Part 1:
Within our narrations (mainly in triads) we will expand the scope of perspectives and we will deepen our understanding by variations of the same story. We will humbly receive whatever story shows up from the ethnocentric grounds and value all egocentric elements that we will be meeting on our ways. The participants will learn how to acknowledge all their self-narrations as rich and beautiful.

Part 2:
Within the process of narrating, listening and offering resonance we will discover collective similarities and national differences. We will meet our national wounds and transform our understanding into the medicine that we hold as a potential to fully embody Europe. If technically possible we will create an audio carpet of our experience.


Stephanie Nowicki

  • Coach, Trainer, Consultant, Story-teller
  • Founder of integral-contact, purpose: supporting the embodiment of integral contact to unleash conscious actionability that guides us into a promising future
  • Culture Transformation, Conscious Leadership, Organizational Development
  • Researching Conscious Autobiographical Narrating for 20 years.
  • Workshops: “Practicing Conscious Autobiographical Narrating”

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