What to do with people who abuse their power?

Finding a home for the victim/tyrant: a spiral journey exploring the abuse of power

What are we to do individually and collectively with the ongoing abuses of power found in all sectors of society? What if healing only comes with finding a home in our hearts for the victims and perpetrators of the abuse of power? How can we as individuals, and collectively as the Integral community, participate in clearing this field? Using Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDi) as a map, and Systemic Constellation Work (SCW)  and other practices as the process, participants will experience their personal and collective relationship to power (both positive and negative) through the

victim-tyrant-rebel-rescuer-survivor perspective (VTRRS).

We will experiment with what it means to bring the VTRRS home into the collective heart.

What is Systemic Constellation Work?

Systemic Constellation Work (SCW) — originally called Family Constellation Work and founded by German philosopher, Bert Hellinger — can be described in many ways. For Diana, it is a perspective – viewing problems, issues, conflicts, entanglements from a systemic perspective, whether it be: individuals, families, organizations, or larger collectives. It is also a body of knowledge gathered phenomenologically from trainers and facilitators doing constellations with thousands of people and organizations from around the world. It is an experiential process, some would call a tool or method that has been and can be integrated with many other ways of working.

It is a way to embody energy and information so that it can be made visible.


Systemic Constellation Work is a change process. Constellations reveal hidden dynamics – the inner images, behaviours, challenges, and opportunities that exist below our conscious awareness. Once ‘what is’ is acknowledged, genuine movements (changes) can be made, sometimes immediately and sometimes over time.

SCW is always looking at any issue or question from a systemic perspective: individuals within their family system, organizations within the organizational system, and larger collectives like cities, or countries within a collective system . It is a very creative process that can be adapted and applied to resolving many issues. SCW as an experiential and embodied process may be used to:

  • to diagnose your issue: what are the principles of a living system that are out of order
  • to resolve issues and to restore balance to the system
  • to create new processes, services and products and organizations
  • to test ideas, products and decisions prior to being activated (in the market place)
  • to experiment with options and make decisions
  • to experience other ways of knowing
  • to test propositions
  • to gather collective intelligence and wisdom from multiple levels of consciousness
  • to work with the emerging future



1. Introduction to the research-project “Finding a home for the victim-tyrant-rebel-rescuer-survivor” in our hearts”

2. Short presentation of the victim-tyrant-rebel-rescuer-survivor (VTRRS) model of human consciousness and how it keeps us in 3D or polarized “reality”

3. Embodied inquiry into VTRRS at the personal level Using SCW exercises as the practice: partner exercises

4. Identify the patterns in consciousness of each persona

  • share in triads
  • share in large group

5.Creating word images of how we abuse power two large circles

6. Moving deeper into consciousness by working at the collective level using the SCW process along the SDi map. How are these archetypal personas expressed differently along the spiral? What happens when “power” is brought into the field? What happens when “power as a negative force” is brought into the field? (Given time restraints we may limit how many levels on the spiral we explore.


Diana Claire Douglas is a certified Constellation Work facilitator, (family, organizational, and societal issues), social architect, educator, artist, writer. On the core teams of Integral City and The Hague Center for Global Governance, she constellates for decision-making, design, and team building. A trauma and grief counsellor (1980s-90s), a student of CoreLight (in the non-dual tradition), and through SCW, she practises healing victim-tyrant consciousness.

Anne-Marie Voorhoeve is a creative strategist, social alchemist, facilitator, consultant, coach. Co-developer CHE NL, founder The Hague Center. International experience developing communities, designing and supporting complex multi-stakeholder projects committing to meaningful, ambitious goals (Meshworking). Certified in SDi, Art of Hosting, SQ21 spiritual intelligence. Other roles: global creative strategy director Club of Budapest, Meshworking Wheel of Co Creation, core team Integral City Meshworks Ltd

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