ECOintention – Applied Energetics for Organizations and Nature

ECOintention – Applied Energetics for Organizations and Nature

— Article written by Peter Merry—

The shelf of interesting books on energy had been filling up. All the things I read, such as Lynne McTaggart, Rupert Sheldrake and Drunvalo Melchizedek, made sense to my mind, and I could feel the tension building: if I am starting to change my understanding of how the world works, when and how am I going to start applying that to my everyday life?

9780897936699_fcIt was then that I came across the work of Hans Andeweg and the Center for ECOintention. At last I had discovered a grounded application of all the ideas that I had been reading about. Someone had actually been developing approaches for working energetically with organisations and large areas of land. I could feel how this was a key part of us being able to deal with the scale of complexity we were facing that seemed to me to go way beyond our cognitive ability to grasp it.

Nearly 10 years later, I have not only completed the 4-year vocational training, but have energetically balanced a number of projects with statistically significant positive impact.  This stuff works!

And now at last this work is becoming available in English to those outside of the Netherlands. Hans’ latest book The Universe Loves a Happy Ending has just been released in English, I have just completed the translation of the website and the publicity material, and next year we will be launching the first ever vocational training in ECOintention in English.

At the IEC we are offering a two and a half hour ECOintention introduction workshop on the Thursday morning and a presentation at the end of Sunday morning on what we are discovering in our latest research about the energetics of Europe. 

PRESENTATION — Peter Merry, Hans Andeweg: The Energetics of Europe, Sunday 8th of May 12:00
WORKSHOP — Peter Merry, Hans Andeweg: ECOintention – Large-Scale Energetics, Thursday 5th of May 9:00

The workshop will introduce the concept and some of the basic practices involved in working with the energetic architecture of large-scale systems. ECOintention has been developed over 20 years in Germany and the Netherlands and is about to become available in English for the first time. A 4-year vocational training has produced over 100 ECOintention practitioners working in domains as diverse as business, agriculture, education and healthcare. By consciously engaging the subtle energetic dynamics of organizations and living systems we can help to create the conditions for more life-affirming cultures, environments and productivity. The practices have been well researched in multiple domains and continually demonstrated statistically-significant impact.

Do you join us to explore this leading-edge thinking and practice that I feel is so deeply needed in the world today?

About ECOintention

ECOintention is perceiving, interpreting and improving the (life) energy in organizations and ecosystems. It is a method to bring healthy energy and flow back into organizations and ecosystems. Center for ECOintention has been successfully applying this approach for more than 25 years in numerous projects.


Quantum mechanics discovered that the atom is made up of 99,999999999999% empty space. This is filled with life energy. Science calls it Zero Point Energy. It turns out that the remaining 0,000000000001% of matter is not made up of fixed particles but of energy. Everything is energy and energy radiates.

ECOintention is unique. There is no other method that both brings back healthy energy and flow into an organization and at the same time coaches the client. This holistic approach makes awareness-raising and change processes happen more quickly and the impact last longer. Improving the energy happens in three phases:

1 – Balancing phase: this is the process of bringing the energy up to the target values. All energetic values are tracked in graphics so you can follow the whole process.

2 – Stabilization phase: the energy in the organization is optimal. Clients often notice in this phase that a calmness returns to the organization.

3 – Continuation phase: the energy has been deeply anchored. The benefits can now be harvested. In this phase we step back and you take over the energetic guardianship.


Transforming stagnation in the organization and old patterns in yourself are important parts of the work. This is called resonant leadership. It’s based on the principles of energetic guardianship.

The principles of energetic guardianship are

  1. Inner Peace: You can only work with energy if you are relaxed inside
  2. Consciousness of the whole: You can only charge something energetically if you are conscious of its boundaries
  3. Feeling for what’s going on: By giving the system and everything in it positive attention you charge it up energetically
  4. Subject matter expertise: Before you direct energy, you formulate realistic goals
  5.  Identify, affirm and visualize goals: You focus your attention on these goals and imagine that they have been realized
  6. Process past pain: What is holding you back from the past and is standing in the way of you fulfilling your dream?


Peter Merry is Chief Innovation Officer at Ubiquity University. His experience includes facilitating integral change processes in multinational corporations, and government ministries, and in global multistakeholder initiatives. He is a recognised expert in the field of evolutionary systems dynamics. He has had his first book published in English and Dutch (Evolutionary Leadership). He is currently researching the application of noetic science and energetics to whole systems transitions.

Hans Andeweg (MSc) studied biology at Wageningen University. His study included marketing and management, pedagogy and philosophy. He was head of the agriculture department at the Louis Bolk Institute in Driebergen. In 1990 he went to work in Germany for the Institute of Resonance Therapy (IRT) to help develop a large-scale method for healing sick eco- and business systems. The resonance therapy itself was very successful, but Hans missed the involvement of people on location. That was his motivation for writing the book “In Resonance with Nature” in 1999 which was the start of ECOintention. His next book followed in 2011 in Dutch (“Scheppend leven”) and 2015 in English (“The Universe Loves a Happy Ending”). Together they provide the Principles for ECOintention. Hans Andeweg leads the majority of the four-year vocational training for ECOintention Practitioners. He also mentors projects and leads acquisition.


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