In this album you can see photos of the European Constellation Process on the 5th of May of the 2nd Integral European Conference. More photos (full album) will come with the IEC Materials Package. For that sign up to the right (orange button)! Below: click on the pics to enlarge and navigate with arrows!
The photos show a big 4.5 hours long uninterrupted international constellation process with a European focus. There was no break. The first 2 hours was verbal and the following 2.5 hours were without words. The format and process was designed and lead by Bence Gánti and his collagues Barbara von Meibom and Peter Kemeny. The trio has prepared long and detailed and have years of experience in facilitating large and deep group processes in various modalities (drama, constellation, somatic, flow). The process had 3 major parts. In the first part all countries gathered and shared (European and Non-European). In the second phase a sacred inner circle was formed:European countries and European energies took the center. 50 people entered and started a long and deep non verbal freely emerging constellation. The rest formed a thick ring of sitting wittnessing and space holding crowd. I the third part all people in the room entered a 1 hour long fully spontaneuos unguided non-verbal flow process where many further process opened up. It was just magical and amazaing. Deeply touching and a transpersonal Field experience for many. The leaders let the crowd go without a time limit to end. At one point the whole crowd relaxed all the last “muscles” working and suddenly you could feel it: it was just finished. It was 0:00 exact midnight. The processing is still going on and there will be a documentary movie and more percise story coming out from the post-IEC content production to understand what has happened. Some data from the second phase:
COUNTRIES (29): Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Greece Hungary Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom, Other (not present) European Countries
ENERGIES (21): European soul, Femine, Masculine, Children, Violance , Shame, Trauma, Anger, Respect, Freedom, Peace, War, Terrorism, Victims, Perpetrators, Refugees, Migrants, Colonialism, Self-Esteem, Unknown energy, Helping Force
Other people from the above mentioned European countries above plus people from Non-European countries held a thick ring of sitting circle: United States, Canada, Mexico, New Zeeland, Australia, South-Africa, Nigeria, Israel, Kazakhstan