European Constellation IEC 2016: BREXIT (Part 3)



For many Europeans the Brexit decision of the British people has been a shock. Some perceived it as the starting point for similar decisions in other countries. Some feared the energizing effect for the antidemocratic populist forces in many of the European Countries.

The IEC-Constellation process took place before the Brexit decision. The feed-back of one of the observers, coming from Britain and personally voting for Remain, sheds an interesting light on what happened later:

He reports, that within his national group, he felt a profound split, for him an embarrassing experience. Being used to normally going to the centre of actions, he remained – to his surprise – outside the circle and observed from a distance the intense emotional feelings and actions which expressed themselves in the middle of the space (of Europe).

A deep feeling of discomfort arose, perceiving what happened there as “hysterical, self-indulgent and self centre”. But by contrast, after being invited to join in, he felt “disappointed that I hadn’t felt a deeper personal connection with the process. Personally I felt I had to centre myselfI felt a vital part on the periphery, a witness to the process of the centre, holding a space for this, but not at the centre, accepting of other countries processes, playing my role, my country’s role.”

Coming in the end to an evaluation of his own feelings in the situation and connecting them with the British situation, he concludes: “I don’t know what the outcome of the UK EU Referendum will be. If it is a vote for leave, this maybe what my country needs. A time for introspection, a time for coming to terms with our empire past and moving beyond this belief into a real desire to co-operate with others wholeheartedly for the world/cosmic good but as a wise mentor at a light distance, rather than in the thick of it.!”


Author team: 

Barbara von MeibomProf. Dr. Barbara v. Meibom is a former Univ. Prof. of Political and Communication Science and – based on a wide range of qualifications in humanistic and transpersonal approaches – she is a holder of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy. As director of Communio-Institute for the Art of Leadership in Berlin, she is dedicated to transformational processes on the micro-, meso- and macrolevel by training, teaching, coaching, lecturing and writing.


bence300Bence Ganti is Director of the Integral Academy, Hungary, and key organizer of the IEC in 2014 and 2016. Bence Ganti is an integrally oriented clinical psychologist, Vipassana meditator, internationally know speaker and teacher of the Integral Theory and inventor of the Integral Flow Therapy. He is a catalyst for deep emotional experiences and for transformational processes of persons, organizations and whole systems.;


peterPeter Kemény is an Integral therapist, working both as a personal coach and facilitating group sessions. He specializes in family constellations, working not only with family patterns, but also on karmic and archetypical levels. During constellations, he also applies energy healing techniques.


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