European Constellation IEC 2016: Africa (Part 7)

Africa, the neighbouring continent of Europe in the South, is getting more and more into the focus of our attention, due to the refugee crisis. The following impressions of the representative of Africa show the ongoing impact of colonialism. In addition: The encounters he had during the constellation prove the relevance and underlying validity of this type of constellation work.

“In my role as Africa, I felt sad and traumatized… feeling pain and not able to go anywhere beyond it. Like if somebody had taken my freedom and there was nothing I could do and I had to some extent accepted that… feeling imprisoned.

I felt pushed to the edge of the field (towards individuals with relation to Africa as it turned out), but also interacted with a few other elements from time to time. I felt I could also help other elements at times and connect to some of what was going on. When the process was stopped, I ended up standing 1 meter away from colonialism.

My personal interpretation: Africa has been taken hostage and abused during colonization times and is currently stuck in what might be called post-traumatic depression.

Side note in case that matters: I see an important role for Africa in the evolution of our planet…


Furthermore the representative of Africa had a very touching encounter with one of the observers, who lives in the Netherlands and presently prepares to move to Botswana in the southern part of Africa. The observer describes the situation as follows:

It made me very sad as an observer I felt Europe was falling apart…Then a man with a black shirt walked backwards to me. He touched me with his feet. And then I started crying. Really strange, as I was an observer and not in the circle participating. When this man walked away from me I felt the urge to follow him. I thought he was WAR. So I did not understand why I should follow him. But I did.

Crying more and more and stood up to follow him outside the circle. I did not enter the constellation.

Then I walked from North (Netherlands) to the south, crying louder and shaking a lot… Now I was in the SOUTH. Two ladies hold my hand. They were from South Africa!!! And then the man with the black shirt walked back to me in the circle… When Bence [leading the constellation] asked to show the names of the representatives, he turned out to represent AFRICA! So I was totally surprised. Also the two ladies… were surprised as they told me that this AFRICA representative was also standing in front of them before he walked to me in the North. We never knew this man! He turned out to be a German that is living in Nigeria!

So it was all very special. I realised for myself that I am preparing to move to Africa, Botswana. South Africa I worked for the last 20 years as my parents lived there 20 years. And recently in December I requested my work and residence permit for Botswana. So this constellation showed my move to Africa and the pain of leaving a Europe in despair, confusion or even it felt as WAR.


Author team: 

Barbara von MeibomProf. Dr. Barbara v. Meibom is a former Univ. Prof. of Political and Communication Science and – based on a wide range of qualifications in humanistic and transpersonal approaches – she is a holder of the European Certificate of Psychotherapy. As director of Communio-Institute for the Art of Leadership in Berlin, she is dedicated to transformational processes on the micro-, meso- and macrolevel by training, teaching, coaching, lecturing and writing.

bence300Bence Ganti is Director of the Integral Academy, Hungary, and key organizer of the IEC in 2014 and 2016. Bence Ganti is an integrally oriented clinical psychologist, Vipassana meditator, internationally know speaker and teacher of the Integral Theory and inventor of the Integral Flow Therapy. He is a catalyst for deep emotional experiences and for transformational processes of persons, organizations and whole systems.;



Peter Kemény is an Integral therapist, working both as a personal coach and facilitating group sessions. He specializes in family constellations, working not only with family patterns, but also on karmic and archetypical levels. During constellations, he also applies energy healing techniques.

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